Europæisk Kulturhovedstad Aarhus 2017 støtter Institut for Børnekultur i udviklingen af den internationale dimension på Snapsting for Børn – European Playground med 150.000 kr..
"Saints and Towngates"
Institut for Børnekulturs tager i projektet udgangspunkt i byporte og helgener, hvilke er fælles kulturarv i hele Europa, og det er kendetegnet for Viborg, hvor Snapsting for Børn – European Playground løber af stablen.
In 2017, the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in Europe is celebrated. To mark the occasion, the project explores history and recreates Viborg's five medieval city gates. European schools and kindergartens from nine countries have 'European cultural children' created friendship classes/groups (4-12 years) in Region Midtjylland.
In collaboration with a professional sculptor, the friendship classes build an interpretation of Viborg's five city gates.
The productions are exhibited at the original location of the city gates. With close European collaborations and encounters between children and professional artists, the project helps bring history to life at a children's level - but also for a wider audience.