Institut for Børnekulturs centerchef Ulla Voss Gjesing deltager i dag i netværksmøde med Altinget Børn i skønne omgivelser og inspirerende lag.
The network will discuss recommendations for the first draft of the Children's Act from the government - together with Søren Skjødt, headmaster at Godhavn, and Per Larsen, former chairman of the Children's Council.
What possible paths for the future are there for our children and young people at a time when they are challenged on their own framework of existence given by their parents, the welfare society and a rapidly changing world?
In Altinget's Children and Youth Policy Network, we address the policies, challenges and current issues that exist across the child and youth field. We do this with the aim of contributing to the development and renewal of the actions and decisions taken in the field, when we bring together actors from the public sector, civil society and the private sector for an open debate in a closed and confidential space. For each meeting, we set a specific theme for the day and invite a speaker who will help shape the discussions and the work we do with the network.