Do you know Marie, our new Princess of Culture, who will be in charge of our Artists' Bank?

Otherwise, you can say hello to her right here:

My name is Marie Grønbæk Bjerregaard, I am 37 years old and I was born and raised in Viborg. I am married to René, and together we have Nova aged 8 and Huxi aged 5.

My background is as a teacher, where I have worked for 10 years in various secondary schools. The last two years I have been working full time on my art, which has also always been my passion besides work.

Derfor glæder det mig at kunne kombinere disse to verdener i mit arbejde på Institut for Børnekultur, hvor jeg håber at kunne bidrage med et fagligt perspektiv samt masser af lyst til at facilitere børn og unges møde med kunst og kultur.

I look forward to working with you and meeting many of you out there!