Institut for Børnekulturs nyhedsbreve 2019

We have collected the most important headlines from each newsletter for you here in the overview.
Click on the links in the overview boxes to read the full newsletter.

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Institut for Børnekulturs år 2019 told in 10 minutes


Songs to the world

Northern Lights


The BUM Conference

Institut for Børnekultur på study trip to Brussels

Med Institut for Børnekultur towards a more sustainable world

Snapsting for Children 2019

Read the full newsletter here


Institut for Børnekultur og Netværket BUM modtager DKK 835,000 for sustainable culture for children and young people in Region Midtjylland

Millions for culture, experiences and cooperation across the region

Read the full newsletter here


Read article about LegeKunst in BØRNS HVERDAG

The BUM Conference 2019 made us all wiser about the eight good habits of art

Institut for Børnekultur på regional cultural study tour to Brussels

Institut for Børnekultur inviterer til inspirerende Green Day at Viborg Library

Institut for Børnekulturs initiativ til et new local cooperationto disseminate knowledge of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals

Institut for Børnekultur på green tour of inspiration in Sønderborg

Read the full newsletter here


Come to conference on upskilling arts and culture education in schools

Hear about findings, perspectives, paradoxes, dilemmas and recommendations for art in school

Get recommendations for arts and culture education in schools

Organized in cooperation with FOKUS - Forum for Arts and Culture in Schools

Read the full newsletter here

MAY 2019 

Institut for Børnekultur modtager DKK 25 million from the Nordea Fund to Denmark's largest children's culture project: LEGEKUNST

Facts about LegeKunst

Download material about LegeKunst

Read the full newsletter here

APRIL 2019 

Hvad har vi gang i på Institut for Børnekultur?

Why do we work with UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals as our benchmarks?

And what projects will we be focusing on in 2019?

Read about our activities in our annual magazine KRØLLEDE HJERNER

Read the full newsletter here