Purpose of Musik Malle

Musik Malle is a development project focusing on music activities in day care centres. Through joint training of staff, all adults are supported in contributing to daily music activities. The project takes place in the Videbechs-Minde children's home and the Nørrehus special institution.

Musik Malle will strengthen, challenge and enable new relationships and lasting changes in everyday life between both children and adults in the interdisciplinary meeting between the regular daycare, the special institution and the music teacher.

There is cooperation with a music teacher from the Kulturskolen in Viborg.


Target group

All educators in the two daycare centres will be qualified with new skills in a joint development work, based on the individual child and the individual educator, to bring song, music and movement into daily life both indoors and outdoors on the playgrounds.

Everyone - regardless of their abilities - will work on the development activities in such a way that music, creativity, play and movement become an indispensable and unifying factor in the children's encounters with each other across the two institutions.

In the encounter with music, everyone is equal, and the diversity of the children's differences will be experienced as a strengthening of the courage to be challenged, and thus the children will become better able to master life in the future.