The stepping stone is first and foremost a project that gives children and young people the opportunity to develop their creativity as creative and performing actors in large-scale cultural projects. It is a project where they produce texts, music, animations and dances, where all the material is put together by professional artists, and where together they find the expression that allows the best performance.
The result can be a circus show, a performance or a concert in spaces or places where children and young people go every day, just in a different context.
The project consists of a series of sub-projects. Experience, knowledge and aesthetic material are passed on from sub-project to sub-project.
Researcher Louise Ejgod Hansen, Department of Aesthetics and Communication - Dramaturgy, Aarhus University has followed the projects. Below you can read her reports:
Children as art producers
Reflections on qualities in children's cultural projects
Meetings in a swimming pool - Perspectives and reflections on Waterfall Ballads
Sub-projects already closed:
Waterfall ballads (2013-14)
Heart mirror 2012
New Nordic Starry Sky 2013
The future stepping stone projects are:
Roots (2015)
Water cables (2016)
Blood Ties (2017)
The Tide (2017)