About the Project
”Tusindben” er et kommunalt indsatsområde for dagtilbud med fokus på krop, natur og kultur. Gennem mangfoldige tilbud og aktiviteter bliver der lagt vægt på kompetenceudvikling hos medarbejderne til gavn for børnene i dagligdagen. Institut for Børnekultur står bag udviklingen og afviklingen af kunstprojektet ”Tusindben”, der over det næste halvandet år kommer til at inddrage alle dagplejelegestuer og daginstitutioner i hele Viborg Kommune, samlet ca. 5350 børn.
During a six-week programme, two artists are assigned to municipal day-care centres and kindergartens in a specific local area in Viborg Municipality, where they work actively and engagingly with the children and their adults around the theme of "colours". The aim of the project is to qualify the children to see and experience art and culture in their everyday life - to observe, reflect on and use colours actively, while the staff is inspired by the artists' work to include the artistic/aesthetic dimension and the encounter between art forms in their daily practice. The local programmes end with a gathering/showcase where the artists, daycare providers and parents come together to show each other what they have been working on in the colour programme - where the young children's daisies in many colours come into play with each other. At the end of the five-week programme, the artists and day-care providers meet again for evaluation and dialogue on how to make culture a natural part of everyday life, and are inspired to continue working with creative elements in their pedagogical practice.
The project is supported by Børnekultursamrådet, Huskunstnerordningen and Viborg Municipality, Children and Youth (http://kommune.viborg.dk/Borger/Boern,-unge-og-familie/Dagtilbud-0-6-aar/Tusindbenet/Kultur).
Læs Institut for Børnekulturs artikel om projektet Tusindben på side 10 i Krøllede Hjerner 2014 (digitalt magasin)
The Project in Practice
All children in Viborg municipality's daycare facilities were visited by an artist team of two people for five weeks: in the daycare/nursery once a week and in the kindergartens twice a week. The artists worked in an activating and involving way with the children and their adults on the theme of colours. By working in depth and around colours, the theme is broadened and can be put into a number of contexts, becoming part of a future everyday context. The aim of the art project as an inspiration and competence development project for day-care workers and educators has thus been:
"To be inspired to new ways of working with art in everyday life at a child's level.
"To experience and test what can be done right where you are, together with the children.
"Discovering new ways to integrate different arts and culture into your everyday life with children.
"To experience how working with artistic processes can be so much more than a nice product to take home.
Kunstnere i projektet blev ansat ud fra faglige kvalifikationer, samt evne for og erfaring med at arbejde med børn i alderen 0-6 år. De udvalgte kunstnere blev introduceret i projektets formål og mødet med den pædagogiske praksis på to workshops inden projektets opstart i maj/juni 2013, samt nye kunstnere på udviklingsmøderne undervejs, som blev afholdt på Institut for Børnekultur efter hvert enkelt forløb. Her blev der udvekslet ideer og erfaringer på tværs af kunstnerteams, udviklet og justeret på projektet, og her blev der skabt den fælles forståelsesramme, som projektet skulle praktiseres i.
Kunstnerteams bestod fortrinsvis af en billedkunstner og kunstner med en anden kunstfaglig baggrund (musik, dans, drama m.m.), så der kunne dannes komplementerende og brede makkerpar. Således blev også kunstnerne udfordret i deres egen specifikke faglighed i mødet med andre fagligheder, med henblik på at berige og inspirere processerne sammen med børnene og deres voksne. Det er vigtigt, at kunstnerne er trygge og kompetente i deres arbejde, men lige så vigtigt er det at blive udfordret på en god måde i sin praksis, og derfor har Institut for Børnekultur valgt at fremme dette professionelle tværfaglige samarbejde – også (eller bedre sagt: særligt) på 0-6-års området!
During the project, the following artists have participated in different teams of the Millennium:
Anna Marie Holm (visual arts)
Anne-Mette Skovbjerg (music)
Hanne Stubberup Randel (dance)
Heidi Øberg (textile mediator, visual arts)
Elin Pausewang (drama, visual arts)
Ellen Abildgaard (animation teacher)
Flemming Bæk (animation teacher)
Lis Jørgensen (artist)
Sus Mynster (dance)
Susanne Ahrenkiel (artist, sculptor)
Søren Lyngbye (artist)
Søren Brynjolf (musician, multi-artist)
Thomas Kruse (artist, graphic designer)
Peter Aagaard Jensen (animation teacher)
Each artist works with about 60 children divided into 2 groups (daycare, kindergarten) daily. Each artist works with the same children two days a week in the kindergarten and in the daycare with four different play groups a week. With 5 teams of artists there are about 1300 children participating, about 600 children aged 0-3 and about 700 children aged 3-6.
Participants come from 12 kindergartens with nursery departments and all the playrooms in the 5 different local areas in Viborg Municipality:
1st period: spring 2013
2nd period: August - December 2013
3rd period: January - June 2014
4th period: August - December 2014