Institut for Børnekultur

Stine Bernth Johansen


Aarhus Jazz Orchestra
BUM - Network for Child and Youth Culture in the Central Jutland Region

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Aarhus Foundation 2017
Central Jutland Region

Songs for the World is a further development of the inspiring collaborations achieved in the Wishland for the Children's Opening of Aarhus 2017.

Young people write songs for the world
Songs for the World is a regional project in Region Midtjylland, based on seven new songs written by young MGK students from MGK Øst and MGK Midt-Vest against the background of the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Songs for the World aims to bring the UN's Sustainable Development Goals to life for children and help inspire hope for a brighter future. The seven newly composed songs create a series of sensual, emotional and concrete images of some of the 17 SDGs that children can sing along to and relate to their own lives.

Workshops with World Goals
The songs also form the basis for Workshops with World Goals, in which children and young people have been engaging with the SDGs and expressing themselves through artistic and creative workshops and local events throughout the Central Denmark Region during spring 2019.

Teaching material for day care and school
Institut for Børnekultur har udviklet et inspirationskatalog med sangtekster, noder og idéer til Workshops with SDGs  and conducted workshops for teachers and educators and provided local sparring in relation to aesthetic learning processes.

Med vores kurser og materialer ønsker Institut for Børnekultur at inspirere alle til at kaste sig ud i kreative værksteder med børn og skabe møder mellem lokale kulturaktører. Inspirationen skal engagere børn og voksne samt give plads til, at børnenes egne udtryk og ideer kommer i spil.

You can view and download inspirational material here.

European Cultural Region Festival Weeks 2019: RENEWAL
Songs for the World culminated with events and concerts in connection with the GENOPDAG festival in spring 2019 where you could experience concerts with the partner Aarhus Jazz Orchestra, who performed the songs together with the children of the region, while the children's expressions from Workshops with World Goals were part of the experience.

Behind the project
Bag Songs for the World står Institut for Børnekultur som projektejer, BUM – Netværk for Børne- og Ungekultur i Region Midtjylland samt Aarhus Jazz Orchestra.

The project has been developed with financial support from the Aarhus 2017 Foundation and Region Midtjylland.

Thanks to MGK Midt-Vest and MGK Øst for their contribution to the realisation of the songwriters' works.

Find more information here 

On the BUM website you can read more about the project and download inspirational material.

Click here to read more about Songs for the World

Click here to see inspirational material

Click here to read more about Aarhus Jazz Orchestra