On the occasion of the publication of Sigurd Barrett's new history book: Sigurds Danmarkshistorie, Sigurd Barrett stopped by for a parade through Viborg and a big concert in the old. Byrådssal.
Dressed as Grundtvig, Sigurd Barrett led a children's procession from Hjultorvet to Stænderpladsen on Tuesday at noon. Barrett had chosen his old hometown as a festive forum for a historic event - and as one of the first in the country, Viborg got to hear a concert with Sigurd, band and dancers well helped along by 80 choir children from Overlund School.
I want to show that we are part of history and that history is part of us.
What we do today will be history tomorrow, says Sigurd Barrett.
Sigurd Barrett has great ambitions for his history of Denmark. It will consist of a book, 40 songs, a board game, a game for iPad, a series on the children's channel Ramasjang, concerts in the country's schools - so far there are 2 books and a double CD with 40 brand new songs. It will be a teaching tool linking the canon points to different themes.
Watch a report from the day on TV-Midtvest and read more about Sigurd's Danish history below: