Conference: get recommendations for arts and culture education in schools
CONFERENCE ON 5. NOVEMBER KL 9.45-15.30 AT UC SYD IN KOLDING Experiences and expressions [...]
CONFERENCE ON 5. NOVEMBER KL 9.45-15.30 AT UC SYD IN KOLDING Experiences and expressions [...]
Join us as we focus on the 'eight good habits of art' - learning [...].
Kulturprinsen is this week co-hosting the final conference of the Art EQUAL project, which takes place [...].
Last week Kulturprinsen was invited to participate in the TOOLS conference in Herning. Here [...]
Kulturprinsen to conference at Christiansborg Kulturprinsens centre manager Ulla Voss Gjesing was invited to a conference at Christiansborg in connection with Kulturprinsens's involvement in [...].
Mark your calendars for 15-17 November 2017 Kulturprinsen, BUM - Network for [...].
Summary of the conference on quality development of arts and culture for children and young people Download presentation, [...].
BUM hosts Nordic conference: Rethinking Children's Culture in the Nordic Region - Friday 18 November 2016 in Silkeborg Medborgerhus, at [...].
Kulturprinsen and BUM invite to 2 Nordic conferences in Silkeborg 16-18 Nov. 2016. [...]