The winner of the Nordea Foundation's "Good Life - Viborg Children's Culture Prize 2016" has been found!
The winner was announced on Thursday 10 November at 15.30 at Café Brændpunktet in Viborg, and Nordea's local children's culture prize of DKK 10,000 went to Coding Pirates from Viborg.
Det er femte gang Nordea og Institut for Børnekultur uddelte børnekulturprisen. Traditionen er, at overrækkelsen former sig som en kulturfest med indhold. Eftermiddagen indeholdte blandt andet et indslag fra skuespilleren Jesper Asholt om »Kultur i børnehøjde«, mens elever fra Kulturskolen sørgede for det musikalske og centerchef Ulla Voss Gjesing fra Institut for Børnekultur fortalte om vigtigheden af den lokale børnekultur og Institut for Børnekulturs nyeste udgivelse af magasinet »Krøllede hjerner« – som du kan læse her.
Congratulations once again to the Coding Pirates!
Read the winning articles here: 'Award for young IT geeks and their fathers' and 'Cultural pirates ran away with the children's culture prize'
Here you can see who the three nominees were:
1. Viborg Trial Klub v. Ole Kristensen
2. Coding Pirates, Viborg v. fmd. Bjarke Annesen
3. Diana Dalmose, Marc Bray, Jesper T.L. Nielsen & Lene Mortensen (Luni Smil)
Articles from Viborg Stift Folkeblad: 'Who should be crowned Children's Cultural Hero of the Year?' and 'Three compete for children's culture prize - here are the candidates'