At this year's BUM conference, we invite you to inspiring presentations, workshops and conversations in a mishmash of art, architecture, design and pedagogical practice. New this year is a special focus on inter-professional collaboration in SFO and club settings.
The conference takes place from 09.00 - 16.00 at Værket, Sven Dalsgaards Pl. 1, 8900 Randers.
Price: BUM members 500 kr. | Others 750 DKK (all prices include VAT)
Questions about the conference can be directed to Mona Pedersen: mobp@kulturprinsen.dk
FUTURAMA er støttet af Region Midtjylland og er et samarbejde mellem Institut for Børnekultur, BUM – Netværk for Børne- og Ungekultur i Region Midtjylland, Rumgehør, Svalegangen/United Change, Det Store Ståhejgilde og fem midtjyske kommuner: Ringkøbing-Skjern, Syddjurs, Horsens, Holstebro og Viborg.
NB: registration deadline Friday 30 September at 12.00