
Who are we?

Kulturprinsen is a locally based, national development centre for children's and youth culture with a global outlook. Kulturprinsen works for the equal right of all children and young people to art and culture. Kulturprinsen is a national voice for children's and youth culture.

What do we want?

Kulturprinsen aims to strengthen courage, imagination, life skills, sustainable education, action and cultural identity in children and young people through arts and culture - to inspire and equip children and young people to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

Kulturprinsen will work on the basis of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and Kulturprinsens projects will relate to the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

How we work

Based on an exploratory, experimental and courageous approach, Kulturprinsen, together with its partners, creates insights and outlooks in the daily life of all children and young people.

Kulturprinsen's main partners are day-care centres and schools, professional cultural operators, artists, arts and cultural operators, and research and education institutions.

  • Transformation

Kulturprinsen works with curiosity, immersion and reflection as pathways to disruption and transformation. Kulturprinsen works with aesthetic learning processes and involves children, young people and adults in both process and product.

  • Mediation

Kulturprinsen builds networks and communities between institutions, administrations, politicians, associations and the business community to ensure the power of action achieved through engagement and co-creation. Kulturprinsen disseminates projects, processes, methods, models and knowledge to selected target groups.

  • Anchoring

Kulturprinsen creates inter-professional collaborations between artists and cultural mediators, as well as teachers and educators, and anchors in children, young people and adults a desire to act that is developed through art, culture, play and experimentation.

Kulturprinsen thus strengthens


  • Kulturprinsen is a regional, national and international development centre for children and youth culture.
  • The aim of the institution is to develop qualitative and innovative new cultural offers for children and young people.
  • Kulturprinsen will generate, develop and disseminate new knowledge in the field of children's culture.
  • Kulturprinsen will, based on the municipality of Viborg and through national and international cooperation, contribute to the visibility and promotion of children's and youth culture among other cultural institutions and actors.
  • Kulturprinsen will build networks and collaborative relationships with cultural, artistic, educational and research institutions.