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Institut for Børnekulturs manual til projektafklaring

Download the pixibook here (digital folder)

Om Institut for Børnekultur

Hent ‘Om Institut for Børnekultur’, 2009 (pdf)

Table Muses

The Table Mouse: selected stories and drawings from children in the Ministry of Culture's Klods Hans competition, 2006

A selection of texts and drawings from and for children. The texts range in genre from adventure, science fiction, horror and fantasy with their own approach and creativity. The illustrations have varied motifs, are expressive and in strong colours.

Kronprinsesse Mary var med til præmieoverrækkelsen i den landsdækkende tegne- og skrivekonkurrence Klods Hans på Institut for Børnekultur i Viborg. Her skulle hun overrække Klods Hans-prisen til vinderne af henholdsvis skrive- og tegnekonkurrencen for børn.


The winner of the writing competition was Luna Mehrfeld Brøndal from the 6th grade at Hareskovens Lilleskole in Ballerup, who had written her way to the honour with her whimsical story "The Table Mouse". The drawing competition was won by Sarah Vejs Larsen, aged 10, from Høje Taastrup Billedskole, who drew a modern-day Hansel.

17.05.2006 - Luna Mehrfeld Brøndal and Sarah Vejs Larsen.

17.05.2006 - Crown Princess Mary, Luna Mehrfeld Brøndal, Sarah Vejs Larsen and Mayor Johannnes Stensgaard.