Research articles
Wooden nests:
Researcher Louise Ejgod Hansen, Department of Aesthetics and Communication - Dramaturgy, Aarhus University, has followed the paving stone projects. Below you can read her reports:
Waterfall ballads:
In collaboration with Birgitte Stougaard Pedersen, Louise Ejgod Hansen has also written this report from Waterfall Ballads, which was one of the subprojects in The Tree Stone:
Snapsting er støttet af Aarhus 2017. Aarhus 2017 har i samarbejde med Ph.d. Ingrid Vatne fra Aarhus Universitet har udgivet rapporten ‘Publikumsudvikling som institutionsudvikling’ (2014), hvor Institut for Børnekultur og Snapsting for Børn er ét af casene.