'A great experience', 'an adrenaline rush' and 'a space'. These are some of the words that one of the members of the house orchestra from Viborg Gymnasium & HF uses to describe his experience of the school tour on this year's Play Danish Day.

Igen i år gik Institut for Børnekultur, Udvalget for musik til børn og unge i Viborg Kommune og Viborg Gymnasium & HF sammen om at lave en helt speciel dag i musikkens tegn ved forene de to landsdækkende begivenheder Play Danish Day and Operation Daily Work. Throughout the day, free concerts were held in selected kindergartens and primary schools in the municipality.

And to great mutual delight, the concert ended with a sing-along to 'Wishing Land' - the theme song for the Children's European Capital of Culture year - is

Experience the atmosphere from one of the Spil Dansk concerts in this video, produced by media students from VGHF.