Torsdag og fredag i denne uge deltager Institut for Børnekultur traditionen tro på KL’s Børn og Unge Topmøde. Vi glæder os til at opleve inspirerende oplæg og temamøder, hvor vi især vil være optaget af, hvordan vi styrker kvaliteten af leg, dannelse og stærke fællesskaber i dagtilbud og skaber en stærk folkeskole med fællesskab og trivsel for alle børn og unge.

More and more children and young people are having difficulties and are not thriving in kindergarten, at school or when they have time off. This calls for solutions that both strengthen broad and inclusive communities and ensure engaging opportunities for children and young people who need a different environment.

We therefore believe that it is both positive and necessary that KL focuses on not only the causes of, but also the handling of the well-being crisis at this year's Children and Young People Summit. The municipalities have a great responsibility for, but also with the opportunities to create a good framework for well-being and communities, both in daycare and school, but also when it calls out to SFO or club. But this requires us to have the freedom and courage to rethink everyday life in day care centres and primary schools, taking the child's perspective and involvement seriously.

It is important that we, both politically and in practice, dare to open our eyes to the fact that some structural changes are needed for the well-being of children and that we need to think more 360 degrees around the child. We need to think about children and adults in all three arenas - school/day care, leisure and family. Because we are interdependent, children's well-being depends also on the well-being of adults. If children don't thrive, adults don't either - and vice versa.

Here, art and culture as a regular part of children's everyday activities, for example in long-term programmes, can help to create education, well-being and meaningful communities. We must therefore create an even better environment for play, creativity, experimentation and immersion in performance-free spaces. Here, all children and young people must experience that they are involved and have a valuable place in the community, based on the needs and prerequisites of each individual child.

We therefore hope that the arts and culture will play an even greater role at this year's Children and Young People's Summit as one of the paths to greater well-being, courage and commitment among our children and young people and the adults who surround them in their everyday lives.