Children's Culture Prize

Nordea Foundation's Good Life Award - Viborg Children's Culture Award

Institut for Børnekultur har i en årrække uddelt Børnekulturprisen til personer, ildsjæle, institutioner, sammenslutninger eller foreninger, som har gjort en særlig indsats for børne- og ungekulturen i Viborg. Med æren følger en check på 10.000 kr.

In 2018, the award will be presented during Snapsting and Snapsting for Children 2018. The award ceremony will take place during the concert with Mads Langer on Thursday evening 21 June at the Cathedral Square. More details to follow.

When to nominate candidates

We announce through the press, network, website and social media when it is possible to nominate candidates.

In 2018, it is in the period 31/5 - 10/6 2017.

ALLE er velkommen til at indstille kandidater, og herefter beslutter nomineringsudvalget, bestående af Lone Belling (bestyrelsesformand Institut for Børnekultur), Ulla Voss Gjesing (centerchef, Institut for Børnekultur), Mette Haahr (Erhvervsfilialdirektør i Nordea) og Lars Norup (Chefredaktør Viborg Stifts Folkeblad, hvem der skal indstilles til prisen. Hvert år nomineres tre kandidater, hvoraf én modtager prisen ved prisuddelingen.

How to nominate candidates?

If you know a volunteer, institution or association that you think has made a significant difference to child and/or youth culture in Viborg, please fill in the form below and send it to

Download form here

Remember to write a full explanation of why you think the candidate deserves the award

You can nominate candidates who work in children's culture, but they must have done a special Effort. It is not possible to nominate candidates with whom you have a close family relationship.

See the previous award winners here.