The Idea Trunk

An idea suitcase is a suitcase filled with exciting things to help creativity along. The suitcases are designed to bring art and creative ideas to life for 0-6 year olds. The project is called Idea Suitcases because Susanne Ahrenkiel's experience is that one idea often leads to another. The activities can easily take place over a couple of days, with the children collecting materials one day and carrying out the activity the next.


How did the suitcases come about?

Hvordan kan vi gøre det lettere for dagplejere og dagtilbudspædagoger at arbejde med billedkunst i deres hverdag? Det satte ”Små Børn og Kunst”, som er en udviklingsgruppe under Kulturelt LæringsCenter Viborg, i efteråret 2016 sig for at give et bud på. Susanne Ahrenkiel, der er kunstner, og Lis Wuisman Jørgensen, som er leder af billedskolen i Viborg, har i samarbejde med KLC Viborg og Institut for Børnekultur udviklet 10 inspirationskufferter med billedkunstaktiviteter til børn i 0-6 års alderen – fem til børn fra 0-3 år og fem til børn fra 3-6 år.

Each suitcase has its own theme with three activities. The activities originate from the Thousand Legs project in 2014 and can be done by daycare workers and educators in their everyday life with the children. Preferably with a focus on and space for each child's creativity. Read more about the Centipede here and see the inspiration booklet.