Gul stue kommer helt tæt på de lokale kulturaktiviteter, når Danmarks største enkeltstående børnekulturprojekt ’LegeKunst’ ruller ud i 18 kommuner. Udviklingscentret Institut for Børnekultur i Viborg har fået 25 mio. kr. fra Nordea-fonden til at bringe de yngste tættere på kulturen og til at forske i, hvad mødet med kunst og kultur i hverdagen betyder for børnene og for deres dannelse. Samtidig vil et tæt samarbejde med uddannelsesinstitutionerne sætte nye pædagoger i stand til at lege på helt nye måder.
Med en samlet projektramme på 70 mio. kr. og med 25 mio. kr. i støtte fra Nordea-fonden kan Institut for Børnekultur, Udviklingscenter for Børne- og Ungekultur i Viborg, nu igangsætte LegeKunst, der over de næste fire år vil engagere 20.000 børn i dagpleje, vuggestue og børnehave, over 1.000 pædagogiske medarbejdere, mere end 8.000 pædagogstuderende, hundredvis af kunstnere og op til 50 kulturinstitutioner over hele landet.
In LegeKunst, daycare workers, nursery and kindergarten teachers, researchers and teacher training institutions will work together to promote the play and creativity of the youngest children.
”Verden ser så anderledes ud for børn end for os voksne. Med nysgerrighed, sansning, leg og mod til at fejle og prøve igen – præcis sådan er barnets tilgang til verden. Med LegeKunst vil vi vise, på hvilke måder kunst- og kulturaktiviteter i nye, tværfaglige samarbejder kan gøre en ganske særlig forskel i hverdagen sammen med de alleryngste børn i dagpleje, vuggestue og børnehave,” fortæller Ulla Voss Gjesing, Centerchef ved Institut for Børnekultur, der glæder sig over Nordea-fondens store støtte til LegeKunst.
An everyday boost for 0-6 year olds across the country
Once upon a time, art was often the icing on the cake: the artist came with his backpack full of exciting ideas and activities, and everyone joined in and had a wonderful experience, but the backpack left the institution, along with the artist - and everyday life continued as usual. Now art and culture will become the bread and butter of everyday life! LegeKunst also brings in the artist and the backpack, but ensures that the backpack with all its exciting ideas and activities stays in everyday life, changes everyday life and lives on through the renewed commitment and playful approach of the educators and the children.
”Institut for Børnekultur glæder sig til med LegeKunst at imødekomme den brede efterspørgsel fra pædagogernes side efter nye kompetencer til, hvordan de kan åbne for samskabende og kulturelle aktiviteter sammen med børnene. Samtidig kan vi med en praksisnær forskningsdel i LegeKunst formidle viden om, hvordan et samarbejde mellem kunstner, pædagog og forsker kan være rammesættende for børns leg, trivsel og dannelse,” uddyber Ulla Voss Gjesing.
DKK 500 million a year for the good life
Every year, the Nordea Foundation allocates DKK 500 million to projects that promote good health, exercise, nature and culture. For the years 2019-2021, the Nordea Foundation has chosen to focus on 0-6 year olds under the focus area 'More children who flourish':
"With LegeKunst, thousands of children will experience even more play, creativity and culture in their daycare. This is a big and ambitious national effort that will certainly make more children flourish," says Henrik Lehmann Andersen, Director of the Nordea Foundation. Over the next three years, the fund will focus on supporting initiatives targeting 0-6 year olds. "A large part of a person's personality, skills and habits are formed from the time we are children, which is why early, targeted interventions are important to support when you have a mission like ours to promote good lives," says Henrik Lehmann Andersen.
Nationwide research to create new knowledge about children's encounter with art and culture
Knowledge is needed about children's play and how play promotes children's education. Play will contribute new and much-needed knowledge through seven research projects. Research coordinator Lars Geer Hammershøj, associate professor at DPU, Aarhus University, says:
"The research part is intended to strengthen the practical part of the project by creating knowledge about how play and education are promoted through children's encounter with art and culture. In addition, we see a strong need to develop a common language of play and education that educators and other professional adults can use to share experiences and reflect on their own pedagogical practice."
Cooperation with municipalities and teacher training ensures the future of LegeKunst
What is new in LegeKunst is co-creation - art, like play, is investigative, and together we explore how educators, artists, researchers and children can get the most out of encounters with each other, art and culture.
The 18 participating municipalities' benefit from PlayArt is anchored and future-proofed in each municipality through two functions: a lead manager and a PlayArt supervisor, working closely with five PlayArt coordinators employed at teacher training colleges in all regions. The teacher training colleges' strong commitment to LegeKunst will benefit teacher trainees in both theory and practice - so future children in day care will also benefit from newly qualified teachers with more art, culture and play experience in their backpacks.
FACTS about LegeKunst
LegeKunst will officially start on 15 May 2019, and the first children are expected to meet LegeKunst in their daycare during autumn 2019.
Read the pixibook about LegeKunst
Læs mere om LegeKunst på Institut for Børnekulturs hjemmeside
Download fotos fra Institut for Børnekulturs tidligere dagtilbudsprojekter
Institut for Børnekultur:
Head of Centre Ulla Voss Gjesing / 21 29 19 01
Nordea Fund:
Head of Communications Tine Wickers / 28 40 84 80
Closest partners
DPU - Danish Pedagogical University
University of Applied Sciences UCN
UCL Business School and University of Applied Sciences