Institut for Børnekulturs nyhedsbreve

We have collected the most important headlines from each newsletter for you here in the overview.
Click on the links in the overview boxes to read the full newsletter.

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Hearing in the Parliamentary Chamber
Institut for Børnekultur sikrede en høring d. 7 juni om at øge børns trivsel og dannelse gennem kunst og kultur.
Institut for Børnekultur modtager 2 til Nationalt Udviklingscenter - The one-year grant ensures the opportunity to expand its work to give children in daycare centres and schools across the country equal access to involvement and participation in art and culture.
Ny organisering på Institut for Børnekultur – Efter 11 år på posten har Ulla Voss Gjesing valgt at træde tilbage fra sin stilling som centerchef. Hun forbliver dog på Institut for Børnekultur som seniorkonsulent, mens projektleder ved Institut for Børnekultur Camilla Høg overtager ledelsen som konstitueret centerchef.
Thank you for PlayArt Days 2023 - It was a fantastic two days at VIA campus Viborg, which have been compiled into a short video.


Register now - PlayArt Days 2023!

Join us at VIA University College - Campus Viborg, Thursday 1 June.

Institut for Børnekultur vil være Danmarks første nationale udviklingscenter for børnekulturD. 15. marts havde Institut for Børnekultur foretræde hos Folketingets Kulturudvalg samt Børne- og Undervisningsudvalg.
New European cultural patterns are now being drawn with Shaping Patterns - Watch an inspirational film from our new European partnership project, Shaping Patterns.
Imagine the sustainable cities of the future through children's artistic experiments - In the context of the FUTURAMA project, we have produced a documentary where you can experience the children's immersion and hear pedagogues, artists and architects' reflections on topics such as interdisciplinarity, experimental practice and sustainability.

Read the full newsletter here


Save the date - LegeKunst Dage 2023!

We end the national development project LegeKunst with a bang at VIA University College - Campus Viborg, Thursday 1 June.

Institut for Børnekultur modtager to mio. kroner til nyt europæisk projekt - Over the next two years, schoolchildren in five European countries will work with teachers and artists to develop new, creative ways of working with sustainable development in the classroom, in the Shaping Patterns project.
Global Roots opens up to a more sustainable world - We have recently completed our latest international project Global Roots. Find inspirational materials for working with arts, culture and sustainable education and watch a documentary about the project.
Read also about the good points from Children and Youth Summit 2023, and debate paper from LegeKunst researcher Lars Geer Hammershøj.

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Laying art: New book maps how arts and culture can strengthen daycare. On 10 November, the book Lego art, which maps how arts and culture can strengthen day care by promoting children's play and education.
Children in Hjørring made the Minister of Culture more aware of art and culture. The then Minister of Culture Ane Halsboe-Jørgensen visited Emilie Kindergarten in Hjørring Municipality and got an insight into LegeKunst.

Full speed ahead at FUTURAMA. Over the past few months, experiments with futuristic future me's have been taking place in SFOs around the Central Jutland region.

Talent Tales provides inspiration for arts and culture in special education. New website provides inspiration on how to include arts and culture in work with children with special needs.

Read also about the Children's Culture Meeting, the BUM Conference 2022, the upcoming PlayArt Days og Institut for Børnekulturs indspark til valgkampen.

Read the full newsletter here!


Get the building blocks to work with children, architecture, art and design. At this year's BUM conference, we invite you to inspiring presentations, workshops and conversations in a mishmash of art, architecture, design and pedagogical practice.
Institut for Børnekultur fejrer i 2022 20 år med kunst og kreativitet! Thank you so much to all of you who helped us celebrate the day with your participation, greetings, gifts, flowers and thoughts!
Big cheer and FUTURAMA win for the sustainable childhood cities of the future! Thank you to all the children and other kind-hearted spirits who visited our four FUTURAMA workshops at the Great Standing Guild.
Góðan morgun Føroyar - or Good Morning Faroe Islands! Camilla Høg was invited to visit the radio station Kringvarp Føroya and their morning programme to talk about LegeKunst.
"Sound and Listen" - How sound art can provide a space for listening and improvising together. Hear why we should become more like Klodshans and what we can learn from really listening.

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Kom og vær med til at fejre, at Institut for Børnekultur fylder 20 år.
We will meet in the Parole Hall at Viborg Barracks and celebrate the day with guests, speeches, a snack and a joint artistic activity.

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Institut for Børnekultur modtager 700.000 kroner fra Region Midtjylland - Read about the FUTURAMA project

Institut for Børnekultur kan med glæde meddele, at Christian Have indtræder i bestyrelsen.

Mød Institut for Børnekultur på Kulturmødet 2022 - this year with a panel discussion on sustainable schooling and a creative workshop for children with a wide variety of artists.
Save the date! Institut for Børnekultur har 20 års jubilæum og inviterer til fejring d. 31. august.
Read also about our activities for Snapsting for Children and follow our envoy, Maja Lukoschewitz' experience of People's Meeting 2022.

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We are now pleased to invite you to a new round of the Children's Culture Relay with two exciting presentations and subsequent dialogue with the participants.

This time THURSDAY 5. MAY 14-16.

We look forward to presenting:

Kit Nørgaard - teacher and play consultant

How can we strengthen play culture and real playfulness in day care?

Thea Kulavig - playwright and artistic director of Zangenbergs Teater

This autumn, Danish theatre celebrates its 300th anniversary. Why is theatre still an important art form and how do you create contemporary theatre for children and young people?

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Kender du Institut for Børnekulturs nye bestyrelse?

Uden et trygt og sikkert anker i en stærk, dedikeret og inspirerende bestyrelse kunne Institut for Børnekultur ikke rejse ud i verden og være bannerførere for det skønne, krøllede, magiske, uforudsigelige og spraglede børnekulturlandskab.

Vi præsenterer derfor med glæde og stolthed her Institut for Børnekulturs nyligt konstituerede bestyrelse.

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In collaboration with the BUM Network, we invite you to a new round Children's Culture Relay.

This time on Monday 7 March at 13.30-15.30. You can see the programme below, as well as the registration link on our website here

It's all online, so you can join in wherever you are. It's free to join, but only requires your registration.

Read the full newsletter here


See the Cultural Prince's Centre Manager in KulturHave

Institut for Børnekultur byder welcome to Marie Grønbæk Bjerregaard

(Re)view presentations and debates from the LegeKunst Conference 2021

Now established Institute for Cultural Analysis

Postyrium rolls out across the country

Course: play, aesthetics and education in day care

Find inspiration for philosophical dialogues with children on the SDGs

... and much more!

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Read more about Children's Culture Relay, our new spotlight on children and youth culture.

BUM Conference on 11 October 2021:
When art meets learning - on interdisciplinary collaboration in schools

We offer welcome back to Anne-Sophie Rose.

Read about our participation at The 2021 Culture Summit

Culture trail is kicked off!

Read the full newsletter here


Institut for Børnekultur går live på Kulturmødet Watch our panel debates here

Friday 20/08 2021 at 10.30 - 11.30:
New times and new opportunities for arts and culture in schools?

Friday 20/08 2021 at 12.00 - 13.00:  Arts and culture in day care

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Mark your calendar:
Institut for Børnekultur LIVE på Kulturmødet 20 August 2021
The Great Stag Guild at the Flyfabrikken, on 22 August 2021

DKK 2.25 million for children's culture in Viborg and Skive 

Meet Minni - ny projektkoordinator ved Institut for Børnekultur

Pleasant memories from a flying start to our Artists' Laboratory

New LegeKunst podcast:
Invisible threads - between artistic and art pedagogical processes in LegeKunst

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Open Call for Artists in North Jutland

New communications officer: Mille Boje Carlsen

URO - The art of balance

Climate chronicle: we must sacrifice some of our need for satisfaction af Lone Belling, formand for Institut for Børnekulturs bestyrelse

Sneak peek at upcoming artists' laboratory

Be inspired by Per Fibæk Laursen's post What is education?

New initiative: Together for School

Read the full newsletter here


Mark your calendar:
BUM conference 11 October 2021
LegeKunst conference 18 November 2021

Climate Chronicle: Education for the Future
Af Lone Belling, formand for Institut for Børnekulturs bestyrelse

More research in art and social communities

Millions on the way to music and cultural schools

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PlayArt podcast: Join us for maybe-coffee!

New project manager in LegeKunst:  Camilla Høg

Institut for Børnekultur søger ny kommunikationsmedarbejder

Art & Culture in balance

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Why you should remember to play

Revisit the atmosphere of the LegeKunst-Days

Podcast: How can we become more empathetic towards each other and nature?

Idea seminar on artist lift in the Central and Northern Region

KL Summit 2021:
More coherent action in the field of children and young people

New a magnificent work on 75 years of children's culture in Denmark

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Welcome to new project manager in LegeKunst Camilla Høg

Institut for Børnekulturs kronik i LEDELSE I MORGEN – tidsskrift for pædagogisk ledelse: How to have a successful, equal and interprofessional collaboration between different professions?

Global Roots – når kunst og kultur sætter globale rødder i børns skoleliv: Institut for Børnekulturs nye EU-projekt

Art across - mutual competence building through guidance and facilitation: new project in the Central Region

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Merry Christmas fra Institut for Børnekultur

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PlayArt Days at streaming-

VIA UC udbyder i samarbejde med Institut for Børnekultur 3 theme days on play, aesthetics and education in day care

International project: Trading roots- Herbariums across borders

Institut for Børnekultur sætter spot on teacher training with chronicle on

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Job posting:
Er du Institut for Børnekulturs nye Project Manager for LegeKunst?

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Netværket BUM og Institut for Børnekultur modtager 1 mio. kroner for a new regional project

PlayArt Days 2020 with the WOW factor

Institut for Børnekultur seeks new project manager for PlayArt

Institut for Børnekultur kom med inspirerende input på Fertilizer Conference

Cooperation with Viborg Art Gallery and Secret Hotel

Glimpse from Northern Lights: Inspiration booklet and video

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Institut for Børnekultur modtager millionstøtte fra EU for a new international project

Hip hooray, Institut for Børnekultur fylder 18 år!

(Gen)se Institut for Børnekultur på Kulturmødet 2020

BUM Conference 2020: you can still participate online

International project: From Trash to Treasure

Welcome to our trainee Jasmin

New PlayArt podcast

NORDLYS children write protest songs on food waste

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Follow the Institut for Børnekulturs paneldebatter på Kulturmødet Mors

ART AND CULTURE IN DAY CARE - Friday 21 August at 10-11

CHILDREN'S ENCOUNTER WITH ART - Friday 21 August at 11 - 12

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JULY 2020

See program and sign up for BUM Conference 2020

Nothing Cultural meeting uden Institut for Børnekultur!

PlayArt with the WOW factor: Ann Bamford participates in LegeKunst-Dagene 2020

Northern Lights fills the entire Region of Central Jutland

Learn more about dissemination of art and culture to children at school

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JUNE 2020 

Institut for Børnekultur er back after Corona shutdown!

Come to BUM Conference 2020

Institut for Børnekultur er co-organizer of the Culture Meeting Mors 2020

See first sketches for workshops in project Northern Lights

Media attention at LegeKunst

Read the full newsletter here

MAY 2020

Institut for Børnekultur med i three new Erasmus+ applications

Invitation to BUM Conference 2020

PlayArt podcast on play and education

New project: Northern Lights

New project: Free children play best


Read the full newsletter here

MARCH 2020

New edition of KRØLLEDE HJERNER is here!

Revisit the atmosphere of the LegeKunst-Days 

New project: Free children play best

Read the full newsletter here

MARCH 2020 

Would you like to be part of our new project Northern Lights?

Chronicle in AVISEN DANMARK: The arts are necessary for a green future

Play agreements are in full swing in PlayArt

New PlayArt podcast

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Northern Lights - new regional project

Welcome back to our employees Sofie and Sophie!

Art EQUAL debriefing is ready

Institut for Børnekultur i Dublin

Community on common day

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Institut for Børnekulturs år 2019 told in 10 minutes


Songs to the world

Northern Lights


The BUM Conference

Institut for Børnekultur på study trip to Brussels

Med Institut for Børnekultur towards a more sustainable world

Snapsting for Children 2019

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Institut for Børnekultur og Netværket BUM modtager DKK 835,000 for sustainable culture for children and young people in Region Midtjylland

Millions for culture, experiences and cooperation across the region

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Read article about LegeKunst in BØRNS HVERDAG

The BUM Conference 2019 made us all wiser about the eight good habits of art

Institut for Børnekultur på regional cultural study tour to Brussels

Institut for Børnekultur inviterer til inspirerende Green Day at Viborg Library

Institut for Børnekulturs initiativ til et new local cooperationto disseminate knowledge of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals

Institut for Børnekultur på green tour of inspiration in Sønderborg

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Come to conference on upskilling arts and culture education in schools

Hear about findings, perspectives, paradoxes, dilemmas and recommendations for art in school

Get recommendations for arts and culture education in schools

Organized in cooperation with FOKUS - Forum for Arts and Culture in Schools

Read the full newsletter here

MAY 2019 

Institut for Børnekultur modtager DKK 25 million from the Nordea Fund to Denmark's largest children's culture project: LEGEKUNST

Facts about LegeKunst

Download material about LegeKunst

Read the full newsletter here

APRIL 2019 

Hvad har vi gang i på Institut for Børnekultur?

Why do we work with UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals as our benchmarks?

And what projects will we be focusing on in 2019?

Read about our activities in our annual magazine KRØLLEDE HJERNER

Read the full newsletter here