Institut for Børnekultur er arrangør på Børnekulturstafetten.

Communications Officer
Karoline B. Rasmussen
Tel. 51 92 40 61

Registration for the Children's Culture Relay is open to all, as long as space is available.

Children's Culture Relay

Med Børnekulturstafetten satte Institut for Børnekultur spot på børne- og ungekulturen. Stafetten blev til under corona epidemien, som et tiltag for at holde liv i de vigtige diskussioner omkring børnekultur.  Vi inviterer løbende to stemmer inden for det børne- og ungekulturelle område til at bidrage med et oplæg online med udgangspunkt i et undringsspørgsmål. Herefter er der mulighed for spørgsmål og dialog med deltagerne, så du kan følge og deltage i debatten hjemme ved din skærm.

The two presenters will each pass the baton to a new voice who they would like to answer a question at the next Children's Culture Relay.

The event takes place online via Microsoft Teams. Participation is free, but registration is required. You will receive a link to join the day before the event.

We are working on planning the next Children's Culture Relay

Tilmeld dig Institut for Børnekulturs nyhedsbrev for at få direkte besked, når den næste stafet er på plads.

Previously held

Below you will find recordings of and references to previous events in the Children's Culture Relay.

05. May 2022 

Kit Nørgaard - teacher and play consultant

How can we strengthen play culture and real playfulness in day care?

Thea Kulavig - playwright and artistic director of Zangenbergs Teater

This autumn, Danish theatre celebrates its 300th anniversary. Why is theatre still an important art form and how do you create contemporary theatre for children and young people?

28 September 2021, 14-16

Karen Siercke - MA in Literary Communication, writer and social entrepreneur and networker:

"We know that every art form offers something special to children and adults. What is it that literature can and does offer to children and young people?"

Esben Wilstrup - psychologist, teacher and consultant:

"How can play constitute a fundamental learning potential in schools? What does it take in practice to implement play so that it does not just occur as a break activity?"

28 September 2021, 14-16

Susanne Storm - Actress & cand.pæd.pæd.psyk.:

What are the learning, development and educational potentials of working with drama, theatre and other aesthetic practices in schools - and if drama is so good, why is it so undervalued in schools?

Hanne Kusk - LegeKunst researcher at Aarhus University:

How can we create a balance between pedagogy and art - and which concepts can we use to invite children into the processes?