Kulturprinsens newsletters 2022

We have collected the most important headlines from each newsletter for you here in the overview.
Click on the links in the overview boxes to read the full newsletter.

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Kulturprinsen receives 700.000 DKK from Region Midtjylland  - Read about the FUTURAMA project 


Kulturprinsen is pleased to announce that Christian Have has joined the Board.

Meet Kulturprinsen at Kulturmødet 2022 - this year with a panel discussion on sustainable schooling and a creative workshop for children with a wide variety of artists.
Save the date! Kulturprinsen celebrates its 20th anniversary and invites you to a celebration on 31 August. 
Read also about our activities for Snapsting for Children and follow our envoy, Maja Lukoschewitz' experience of People's Meeting 2022


Read the full newsletter here


We are now pleased to invite you to a new round of the Children's Culture Relay with two exciting presentations and subsequent dialogue with the participants.

This time THURSDAY 5. MAY 14-16.

We look forward to presenting:

Kit Nørgaard - teacher and play consultant

How can we strengthen play culture and real playfulness in day care?

Thea Kulavig - playwright and artistic director of Zangenbergs Teater

This autumn, Danish theatre celebrates its 300th anniversary. Why is theatre still an important art form and how do you create contemporary theatre for children and young people?

Read the full newsletter here


Do you know the new Kulturprinsens board?

Without the safe and secure anchor of a strong, dedicated and inspiring board, Kulturprinsen could not travel the world and be the standard bearers of the beautiful, curly, magical, unpredictable and colourful children's cultural landscape.

We are therefore pleased and proud to present the newly constituted Kulturprinsens Board.

Read the full newsletter here


In collaboration with the BUM Network, we invite you to a new round Children's Culture Relay.

This time on Monday 7 March at 13.30-15.30. You can see the programme below, as well as the registration link on our website her

It's all online, so you can join in wherever you are. It's free to join, but only requires your registration.

Read the full newsletter here