Project Manager
Sofie Reimer-Walsted
Tel: (+45) 52191423


januar 2024 – januar 2027

Det Børnekulturelle Arbejdsrum

Det Børnekulturelle Arbejdsrum (The Children's Cultural Workspace) is an annual event that brings together decision-makers from both the children and youth sector and the world of art and culture in an active workspace. The aim is to create a working space where we move from good intentions to concrete agreements and actions that anchor art and culture in children's everyday lives.

The day consists of professional input from current relevant voices from the field of children's culture and specific thematic workspaces. 
Here we dive into how we can work together to meet the challenges of working with art and culture in the children and youth sector.

Det Børnekulturelle Arbejdsrum samler stærke kræfter fra børne- og ungesektoren og kunst- og kulturverdenen for at sikre, at de udfordringer, vi står overfor i forhold til at forankre kunst og kultur ude hos børnene, løses på tværs af vores forskellige fagområder.

Årets tema er Arts and culture in day care. Læs mere om arrangementet her: Det Børnekulturelle Arbejdsrum (