I de næste to år skal skolebørn i fem europæiske lande sammen med lærere og kunstnere udvikle nye, kreative måder at arbejde med bæredygtig udvikling i undervisningen. Institut for Børnekultur har modtaget 2 mio. kroner fra Erasmus+-puljen og kan dermed bygge videre på mange års erfaringer med europæiske projekter.
We live in a changing world with global challenges such as pandemics, climate crisis, global unrest and rising inequality. This can create anxiety among children and young people, but also the opportunity to ignite creative minds to generate new ideas and hope for a more sustainable future for the whole planet.
Some of the burning questions are therefore, among others, how do we involve the new and future global generations in solving the planet's challenges? How can we support the imagination, dreams and creativity of children and young people? And how do we give them hope, commitment and a belief that we each make a difference, especially when we stand together across generations and nations?
Det er nogle af de spørgsmål, som har kickstartet Shaping Patterns, hvor Institut for Børnekultur sammen med fem europæiske partnere er gået sammen om at udforske kunsten og kulturens rolle og betydning i undervisning i bæredygtig udvikling.
The aim of Shaping Patterns is, among other things, to:
- to strengthen interdisciplinary exchange of experience and cooperation between primary schools and artists/cultural institutions and to create new, versatile and creative ways of working with education for sustainable development.
- create ways to strengthen children's critical thinking, imagination and motivation to experiment with, reflect on and express ideas about the world and the future and to raise children's awareness and knowledge about sustainability and the fight against climate change.
Shaping Patterns is a collaboration between:
- Institut for Børnekultur (DK) (projektejer)
- The Arts (DK)
- Villa Zebra (NL)
- Sideviews (DE)
- Yellow Brick (GR)
- Plato (CZ)
The project is supported by:
Erasmus+ with 2 million DKK
Project period:
01.11.22 - 01.11.24