On Thursday 7 February, all interested parties are invited to a very special live concert at Paletten in Viborg: nine young talented students from the basic music courses (MGK) in Holstebro, Aarhus and Viborg will show for the first time in public what they have been working on in connection with the children and young people's project "Songs for the World", which is based on the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Based on the SDGs, the young music talents have composed and written seven "Songs to the World", which in spring 2019 will provide a platform for children and young people to work on sustainable development through arts and culture. The UN SDGs are concrete commitments by UN member states to promote social, economic and environmental development, peace and security, and to focus on sustainability. In their songs, the MGK music talents have each in their own way addressed thoughtfully, ironically or poetically issues such as global warming, overconsumption, pollution of the world's oceans and the importance of passing on a beautiful world to future generations.

Kulturprinsen in Viborg, together with Aarhus Jazz Orchestra and the Network for Children and Youth Culture in the Central Jutland Region (BUM), is behind the regional project "Songs to the World", involving all 19 municipalities in the region.
"Songs to the World" forms the basis for "Workshops with World Goals" - a series of artistic programmes during spring 2019. Children and young people aged 3-15 from all over the region will meet artists and engage creatively with the songs and the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals through visual art, dance, sculpture and animation. The projects will create activities, concerts and events for and with the region's children in connection with the European Region of Culture's GENOPDAG festival, which will take place in early June 2019.

The Danish/Icelandic musician Gisli Gislason has helped the young MGK music talents to develop their "Songs to the World" through two songwriting workshops. Gisli will be present at the release concert on 7 February to talk about the creative process. "I was particularly impressed by how diverse the songs were - and how good. The songs reflect the students' very personal expressions. I am really looking forward to hearing the songs live", says Gisli Gislason.

At the release concert, the audience will also have the opportunity to hear about collaborator Aarhus Jazz Orchestra's contribution to "Songs to the World", when orchestra director Dorte Andersen talks about Aarhus Jazz Orchestra's planned concerts in connection with the GENOPDAG festival.

Kulturprinsen has developed teaching material for "Songs to the World", freely available for the work of day-care centres and schools in the creative "Workshops with World Goals". Interested parties can get the educational material and sheet music for the songs at the release concert or download it via www.bumkultur.dk/sange-til-verden

Admission is free to the concert, which starts at 16:00 and lasts about an hour.
Everyone is welcome to come by and experience the young music talents "Songs to the World".


  • Release concert "Songs for the World" will take place on Thursday 7 February at 16-17 at Paletten, Vesterbrogade 10, Viborg
  • Free admission: all are welcome
  • The project "Songs for the World" is a collaboration between BUM - Network for Children and Youth Culture Midtjylland, Aarhus Jazz Orchestra and Kulturprinsen
  • Songs for the World is supported by the Aarhus 2017 Foundation and Region Midtjylland