"My room is breathing"

I foråret 2009 bliver Institut for Børnekulturs projektværksteder forvandlet til et arkitektur-eksperimentarium. Det overordnede mål er at skabe tre unikke oplevelser i de tre rum. Rummene skal skabe så stærkt et sansesug, at oplevelserne følger børnene efterfølgende – som et supplement til deres egne fantastiske fantasier og drømme.
The starting point is the 3-digit number. The three rooms are built around three elements: earth, water and fire. The artists will lead the pupils through the process with a continuous story. About 200 school children in Viborg from 3rd to 8th grade will participate in the project and explore the installations. Together with the artist and the architect, the pupils can feel and explore the spaces in new ways. At the same time, the children and young people will have the opportunity to experiment and make their own mark. The installations will grow as the children and young people visit the spaces; they will encounter colours, sounds, light, steam and walls that defy the law of gravity.