Kabout and join to the grand finale of the Reformation celebrations 2017, d. 31 October at the Cathedral Square in Viborg

The oak gate is reinstalled and ready for further decoration.

On 1 March, the Reformation celebrations in Viborg got underway. 500 children had signed up for the 'Luther Roses and Oak Wishes' project and contributed to the decoration of a 4 metre high oak gate. It was a huge success, so we're doing it again!

In 2017, we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, and in this context you have the opportunity to participate in the Reformation project 'Luther roses and oaks wishes', where children aged 3-13 years contribute to the decoration of a 4 meter high oak gate. The idea is that each child makes a rose or oak leaf in ceramic and embosses them with their own personal symbol. The leaves and flowers are placed on a large oak gate, which becomes a landmark of the Reformation and a spectacular image of children's diverse and individual artistic creation.

In addition to dropping off their ceramic roses and oak leaves at the Cathedral Square on Oct. 31, children are also invited to join us for morning singing in the Cathedral at 9:00. As there are not unlimited places for the morning singing, we will reserve places for the participating children, which will be allocated on a 'first come, first served' basis.

Preparation before the delivery of ceramic roses and oak leaves on 31/10:
Ceramic roses and oak leaves are made in-house.

A very detailed video manual for the artistic process has been produced, as well as inspirational material for the project. See the attached material.

There is also the opportunity to participate in a 2-hour teacher workshop with artist Susanne Ahrenkiel and learn how to shape Luther roses and oak leaves in ceramics. Please indicate when registering if you would like to attend the workshop, which will be held on 21/9 from 10:00-12:00. There is room for one teacher per school.
Obs! Tilmeldingsfristen til lærerworkshoppen er d.15/9 – tilmelding til Bettina fra Institut for Børnekultur: bettina.kulturprinsen@gmail.com


The material is based on the subject of Christianity and is intended to encourage and respond to pupils' openness and curiosity about life. Throughout the course, pupils will acquire knowledge and skills that will enable them to talk about general questions of existence. Students will gain a basic understanding of the basic forms of Christianity and be able to recognise and describe symbols and explain their meaning. Through conversation, creative processes and discussion, students acquire knowledge of an important historical figure, Martin Luther, the Reformation, basic Christian concepts and the meaning of symbols. In particular, the following concepts are explored: faith, doubt, forgiveness, mercy, love, hope, life and death.

Would you like to join the Reformation project and contribute ceramic roses and oak leaves for the oak gate and morning singing in the Cathedral on 31/10 at 9:00?

The registration deadline is Sept. 19.

Registration to Gitte Thorsøe: gtb@km.dk

Remember to state:

- name of institution
- name, e-mail and mobile of contact person
- number of participating children and age groups
- if you would like to join us for morning singing in the Cathedral on 31/10 at 9:00

Obs! Tilmeldingsfristen til lærerworkshoppen er d.15/9 – tilmelding til Bettina fra Institut for Børnekultur: bettina.kulturprinsen@gmail.com