- The inner space of the future


The time is approaching for playing with visions of the future. Theme days with visions of the future will be put into play and interaction between children and artist/teachers. Taking a creative and challenging approach, Process Week (week 40) will be spent working and reflecting on the future and the possibilities it holds. In the meeting with the artists Henrik Westergaard (visual artist), Stephan Gustin (architect) and Christian Dietrichsen (musician, artist) the children will have the opportunity to develop their own visions and creativity, which will be expressed in a product contribution that will be included in a joint product presentation the following Wednesday (week 41).


The main headings of the theme days are:

Henrik - "The sensual space"

Stephan - "Architecture is dissolved"

Christian - "The inner room"


For inspiration - thoughts from the artists:

What does the room look like? Is the shape angular or round? Does the room connect at all with the rest of the living space or does it just float? What colours do you see? Is it all transparent or are there pops of colour? What is the layout like? Does it all float or is there heavy furniture? What sounds and music can you hear? Do we play acoustic instruments or is there only noise? How does the room feel? Rough, smooth, wet, dry, hard, soft, rough, refined?


What is the role of art? Do we go to the toilet in a sculpture or do we shit in a bucket? Can we only sleep if we hear a particular sound? Do we only write poems using consonants? What do we eat? Is there enough food for everyone? And what about love? Do our hearts live a free life or are we kept alive artificially? And many, many more questions.....!


My SPACE inside: can I accommodate new thoughts? Can I accommodate all people? Can I accommodate myself? What do I hold? Can I accommodate the challenges I face? Do I know who I am? WaRUM?


The ROOM we have together: Do we understand each other? Do I give you space? Do we argue? Do we hug? Do we take walks together? Do we smile together? Do we run away together? Do we share secrets? Do you like me?


Dear "students", or maybe it's us adults who are students?! Because the future is yours! So we look forward to seeing what you see when you look into the future and show us the performances that will build it.


Playing is where we can meet; "Kreatoren"-Henrik, "Arkitektpusheren"-Stephan and "Lommefilmosoffen"-Christian are just disguised as adult artists. So we look forward to playing out the future with youJ




The workshop will run in schools during week 40 and the finished works will be presented on 13 October at Kulturprinsen. The opening itself is for all the children involved, their parents and siblings and the teachers.