Institut for Børnekultur – Børnekulturens Udviklingscenter – har i samarbejde med Mønsted Kalkgruber inviteret 500 børn fra en række af Viborg Kommunes skole- og fritidsordninger til at lave anderledes og unik udstilling med udsmykkede paraplyer udstillet i gruberne.
Together with the artists Anna Marie Holm and Marianne Thingholm, the children had worked on decorating umbrellas based on the umbrella's own story. Each child had brought their own umbrella with its own unique and special story. Maybe the umbrella had saved someone in a big rainstorm. Maybe it had blown away and been found again after a long time.
In workshops, the children and the two artists together transferred each story to the umbrellas in an artistic way. With drawings, colours, collages or words. Each umbrella is transformed and reshaped to illustrate its own special story.
All the umbrellas finally gathered for a huge exhibition in the spectacular setting of Mønsted Kalkgruber. The many different and colourful umbrellas in the unique surroundings of the pits invited to a very special visual and sensual experience.
The exhibition had its opening on Wednesday 13 October at 3 pm with the participation of the artists and the children and the exhibition could be seen in Mønsted Kalkgruber during the autumn holidays and until 31 October.
Target group
500 children from school SFOs
Participants in the project
SFOs from: Bjerregrav Friskole, Brattingborgskolen, Finderuphøj Skole, Hald Ege Skole, Houlkær Skole, Nordre Skole, Overlund Skole, Sparkær Skole, Vejrum-Viskum Friskole, Vestervang Skole and Viborg Friskole.