Institut for Børnekultur inviterer til Børnekulturstafetten:

Monday 7 March 2022 13.30-15.30

Experience in online child culture debate:

Karen Siercke - MA in Literary Communication, writer and social entrepreneur and networker - will shed light on the issue:

We know that every art form offers something special to children and adults. What is it that literature can and does offer to children and young people?

Esben Wilstrup - psychologist, teacher and consultant - will shed light on the issue:

How can play constitute a fundamental learning potential in school? What does it take in practice to implement play so that it does not just occur as a break-time activity?

More information and registration here.

About the Children's Culture Relay:

Med Børnekulturstafetten sætter Institut for Børnekultur spot på børne- og ungekulturen. Vi inviterer hver anden måned to stemmer inden for det børne- og ungekulturelle område til at bidrage med et oplæg online med udgangspunkt i et undringsspørgsmål. Herefter er der mulighed for spørgsmål og dialog med deltagerne, så du kan følge og deltage i debatten hjemme ved din skærm.

The two presenters will each pass the baton to a new voice who they would like to answer a question at the next Children's Culture Relay.

The event takes place online via Microsoft Teams. Participation is free, but registration is required. You will receive a link to join the day before the event.