News archiveMille Carlsen2020-07-20T10:09:08+02:00
512, 2017

Read all about Kulturprinsen in 2017!

5. December 2017|

The 13th issue of Kulturprinsens's annual magazine, Curly Brains, is now out. Here you can read about Kulturprinsens activities and projects in 2017. For example, did you know that [...]

412, 2017

Kulturprinsen shares its experience with EU projects

4. December 2017|

Last week, Kulturprinsen was invited to participate in the TOOLS conference in Herning. Maria Bach Boserup, project manager of Art EQUAL, Kulturprinsens's international Erasmus+ project, told [...]

1209, 2017

Will you be joining in the Reformation celebrations?

12. September 2017|

On 31 October, the Cathedral Square will be buzzing with life and activities in connection with the great Reformation celebrations. In this context, Kulturprinsen has participated in the [...]

2308, 2017

Join us for the grand finale of the Reformation Jubilee in Viborg

23 August 2017|

Tuesday 31 October 9-12 at Domkirkepladsen Target group: kindergartens, primary and middle schools. Reformation project "Luther roses and oaks wish". Viborg Diocese, Kulturskolen Viborg and Kulturprinsen invite you to the third phase of [...]

2208, 2017

Four terrific FOKUS talks at the Culture Meeting

22 August 2017|

Kulturprinsen will participate again this year in the Culture Meeting in connection with the FOKUS track on Friday 25 August. Four interesting talks are planned, all revolving around, delving into and [...]

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