News archiveMille Carlsen2020-07-20T10:09:08+02:00
2706, 2017

The winner of this year's children's culture award goes to...

27. June 2017|

The winner of this year's children's culture award goes to... Viborg's children's culture consultant Anne-Marie Fledelius was honoured on Saturday with this year's children's culture award during a concert with Sigurd Barret and Aarhus Jazz Orchestra. For 15 years [...]

206, 2017

Kulturprinsen at Christiansborg

2. June 2017|

Kulturprinsen to a conference at Christiansborg Kulturprinsens centre manager Ulla Voss Gjesing was invited to a conference in connection with Kulturprinsens's involvement in FOKUS - Forum for Arts and Culture in Schools [...]

3005, 2017

Invitation to Full Moon Opening!

30. May 2017|

Welcome to the FULL MONTH JOINT EVENT! We hope to see you at a celebration of Viborg as a full moon event and part of Aarhus 2017. It takes place on 2 [...]

1605, 2017

School concert at Stoholm School

16 May 2017|

Kom til skolekoncert med 140 børn fra Stoholm Skole og det 19 mand store bigband, Aarhus Jazz Orchestra!Det er et brag af en koncert, man kan opleve i Stoholm Fritids- [...]

205, 2017

International Conference 2017

2. May 2017|

Remember to mark your calendar 15-17 November 2017 Kulturprinsen, BUM - Network for Children's and Youth Culture in the Central Jutland Region, Aarhus 2017 project European Cultural Children, the Danish Agency for [...]

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