Vandet er et samarbejde mellem 4 kunstmuseer, 2 teatre og 1 børnekulturelt udviklingscenter. I mødet mellem billedkunst og scenekunst er der skabt en række udstillinger og forestillinger målrettet børn og unge, som kan opleves i Horsens, Randers, Silkeborg og Viborg. Institut for Børnekultur i Viborg har stået som iværksætter og står for projektledelsen af det tværkulturelle samarbejde.

Water is the thematic starting point, as all four cities are located on rivers, fjords and lakes. But just as water comes in many forms, there is diversity in the way it is used. Water reflects what is around it, water can have dangerous undercurrents, and water can leave traces that cannot be washed away. In museums and theatres you can discover a sparkling wealth of art and creativity inspired by water. Some of the works have been created just for this project by living professional artists, others are 'old',
set in a completely new framework, created as works in themselves. They will arouse your curiosity, excite your senses, ask questions, provoke and perhaps even invite you to play along.
Throw yourself into the Water! Use your senses and have a different experience!
The theatre performances are a free offer to school classes in the region.