News archiveMille Carlsen2020-07-20T10:09:08+02:00
102, 2017

Idea box with the 0-6 year olds

1. February 2017|

The Idea Box An idea box is a suitcase filled with exciting things to help you get creative. The suitcases are intended to [...]

1001, 2017

Inspiration material - 'Luther roses and oaks wishes'

10. January 2017|

In 2017 we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation And on 1 March Viborg will be the only Danish city to be visited by the 'European Reformation Relay', so the Cathedral Square will be buzzing [...]

2811, 2016

Curly Brains is out now!

28 November 2016|

The Kulturprinsens annual magazine is out! Here you can read about Kulturprinsens's final and ongoing projects and get inspired for new creative courses. You can get Curly Brains [...]

2811, 2016

Winner of the Children's Culture Prize 2016

28 November 2016|

Så er vinderen af Nordea Fondens »Gode Liv - Viborg Børnekulturpris 2016« fundet! Vinderen blev offentliggjort torsdag den 10. november klokken 15.30 på Café Brændpunktet i Viborg, og Nordeas lokale [...]

2710, 2016

Play Danish Day and Operation Dagværk

27 October 2016|

Gymnasieelever på Viborg-turné i forbindelse med Operation Dagsværk og Spil Dansk Dagen Den 2. november sker der noget helt særligt i Viborg. Kulturprinsen, Udvalget for musik til børn og [...]

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