News pageKaroline Rasmussen2021-01-06T11:43:55+01:00
1512, 2017

What is the importance of play for a good childhood?

15. December 2017|

In 2017, Kulturprinsens centre manager Ulla Voss Gjesing contributed to the 'Creative Childhood and Good Lives' series of meetings facilitated by the Nordea Foundation. Some of the issues debated were: What does the research [...]

512, 2017

Read all about Kulturprinsen in 2017!

5. December 2017|

The 13th issue of Kulturprinsens's annual magazine, Curly Brains, is now out. Here you can read about Kulturprinsens activities and projects in 2017. For example, did you know that [...]

412, 2017

Kulturprinsen shares its experience with EU projects

4. December 2017|

Last week, Kulturprinsen was invited to participate in the TOOLS conference in Herning. Maria Bach Boserup, project manager of Art EQUAL, Kulturprinsens's international Erasmus+ project, told [...]

1209, 2017

Will you be joining in the Reformation celebrations?

12. September 2017|

On 31 October, the Cathedral Square will be buzzing with life and activities in connection with the great Reformation celebrations. In this context, Kulturprinsen has participated in the [...]

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