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Hvem er Institut for Børnekultur?
Art and culture play a crucial role in children's lives, development and education.
Institut for Børnekulturs opgave er at skabe de optimale rammer for, at børn kan udfolde sig, dyrke sin nysgerrighed og indgå i fællesskaber. Det gør vi ved at skabe faglig synergi i krydsfeltet, hvor professionel kunst og kultur møder pædagogik i dagtilbud, skole, SFO og klub.
We develop and safeguard the quality of children's cultural practice by uniting
practical experience with research and education, and we work with a starting point in
current social agendas and local contexts. We ensure that cross-professional and cross-disciplinary collaboration becomes sustainable initiatives that promote and strengthen children's culture in Denmark - for the benefit of all children.
Institut for Børnekulturs projekter
EU-funded strategic partnership project for school children in Denmark, Greece, the Netherlands, Czech Republic and Germany.
Project focusing on the interaction between art and leisure education as a way to promote communities and well-being.
Art and culture in the everyday lives of young people. A nationwide project for 0-6 year olds.
Artist assistants - free offer to schools in Viborg
Get a free intensive programme with a professional artist on [...].
The Spring Seed Prize 2017
SPRINGSEED PRIZE Applications for the Springseed Award are now open. The prize [...]
Idea box with the 0-6 year olds
The Idea Suitcase An idea suitcase is a suitcase filled with [...]