News archiveMille Carlsen2020-07-20T10:09:08+02:00
1511, 2019

We create a Star Blanket with LegeKunst-Glimt

15. November 2019|

We are approaching the sweet Christmas season with stars in the frosty night sky, in windows, on Christmas trees and as expectations in children's eyes. In LegeKunst we are collecting more and more [...]

409, 2018

BUM Conference 2018

4. September 2018|

Would you like to know more about the role of arts and culture in the new reinforced curricula for day care? Or what good habits we can create through arts [...]

1101, 2018

Sing, sing, sing your heart out

11. January 2018|

PHOTO: SANGENS HUS Kulturprinsen is preparing a new, nationwide project, Lege-kunst, where we will work with play, art, education and the new educational curricula [...]

1512, 2017

What is the importance of play for a good childhood?

15. December 2017|

In 2017, Kulturprinsens centre manager Ulla Voss Gjesing contributed to the 'Creative Childhood and Good Lives' series of meetings facilitated by the Nordea Foundation. Some of the issues debated were: What does the research [...]

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