Art moves into the school's recreation room
I januar 2024 starter Kulturprinsen et nyt projekt, der skal kaste lys over kunstens potentiale i den fritidspædagogiske praksis. Med projektet FRIMOD får skolefritidsordninger på seks skoler i Region [...]
FUTURAMA - Spaces of Tomorrow - Free workshop
Free design and architecture workshop for the whole family Spaces of Tomorrow - cities and communities of the future Saturday 2 September 2023 Sejrøgade 1, Grønningen, 8000 Aarhus C Could you imagine [...].
New organisation at Kulturprinsen - centre manager Ulla Voss Gjesing steps down
After 11 years as Head of Centre at Kulturprinsen - Development Centre for Child and Youth Culture - Ulla Voss Gjesing has decided to step down from [...].
Kulturprinsen receives 2 million for national children's culture
With a grant of DKK 2 million from the Danish Ministry of Culture in 2023, Kulturprinsen - Development Centre for Child and Youth Culture, Viborg, will now have the opportunity to expand its work with [...].
BUM salon spring 2023
Many of us are interested in the role of arts and culture in Europe. What is on the EU agenda? How can we all contribute to common European values and goals? [...]
Give children and young people the courage to engage in activities without feeling limited by what others think of them.
Last week, Kulturprinsen participated in KL's Children and Youth Summit. We are pleased that well-being among children and young people is finally [...]