Ny organisering på Institut for Børnekultur – centerchef Ulla Voss Gjesing træder tilbage
Efter 11 år på posten som centerchef ved Institut for Børnekultur [...]
Efter 11 år på posten som centerchef ved Institut for Børnekultur [...]
Do you know Marie, our new Culture Princess, who will be in charge of our [...].
D. 1. september er det 18 år siden, at Institut for Børnekultur kom til verden. [...]
Institut for Børnekultur er et udviklingscenter for børne- og ungekultur, som arbejder både lokalt, nationalt [...]
How can art and culture in the everyday life of the youngest children form the basis for an open-minded [...].
The winner of this year's children's culture prize goes to... Viborg's children's culture consultant Anne-Marie Fledelius was honoured on Saturday with this year's [...].
Family Day and European Playground at Borgvold on Sunday 18 June "Oh look - a [...].
Snapsting for Kids - European Playground traditionally ends with a big children's concert on the Cathedral Square. Here you can [...]
Institut for Børnekultur til konference på Christiansborg Institut for Børnekulturs centerchef Ulla Voss Gjesing blev i forbindelse [...]
Welcome to the joint FULL MOON OPENING! We very much hope to see you for a festive celebration [...].